Frequently asked questions

- WPBookit offers fully customizable booking forms.
- Enjoy email, voice, and SMS notifications for appointments.
- Sync your bookings effortlessly with Google Calendar.
- Manage unlimited services without any restrictions.
- Add and manage an unlimited number of staff members.
Yes! WPBookit integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams through dedicated add-ons.
Absolutely! WPBookit includes a directory feature where all booking types are displayed. You can also hide the header and footer on single booking pages for easy sharing.
Yes, you can send a direct URL to your customers for quick and convenient bookings.
WPBookit supports a wide range of payment options, including:
- PayPal
- Stripe
- Razorpay
- WooCommerce Payment Gateways
- Offline options like cash, cheque, etc.
Yes, WPBookit allows you to enable slot management within the same time slots, ensuring flexibility in booking.
Yes, WPBookit provides a separate dashboard for each staff member, with the option to manage their assigned service bookings.
You can choose to send a copy of the appointment confirmation email to admin(s). Additionally, WPBookit allows you to sync your calendar with Google Calendar for real-time updates.
Yes, WPBookit allows you to set buffers between appointments, tailored separately for each service under Booking Type > Advanced Settings.
WPBookit is built to be compatible with the majority of WordPress themes. If your theme adheres to WordPress development standards, it should work smoothly with WPBookit.

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The booking plugin so Smooth, you'll think it's not WordPress.

A whole new way to Book appointment on WordPress. Feel the Difference with WPBookit. Lifetime access for only $29!